
If you wish to measure the slope or tilt of an object, a clinometer is a highly accurate instrument for just such a task. Also known as an inclinometer, slope gauge or tilt meter, the clinometer measures both negative and positive slopes, or rather inclines and declines. These special instruments are used for many different types of tasks, and there are many different types of clinometers.

Many surveyors will use a clinometer to aid in the construction of buildings, roads and even sidewalks. The grade and slope of the surface where you construct a building must be determined prior to construction to determine whether or not the foundation will be level. Imagine the problems that would be caused over the years if the foundation of a two-story home were improperly leveled, let alone a skyscraper. In addition, roads, and to a somewhat lesser extent, sidewalks must be constructed keeping the slope and the grade in mind, as these things affect the safety of the drivers and pedestrians who will use them.

Forestry professionals also use clinometers in their work, and in this case, a clinometer is used to measure the height of trees. To measure the height, a forester uses the clinometer and simple mathematics. The clinometer includes a level, and once you have the clinometer in a level position, you measure the height of the top of the tree and the base of the tree. Then you simply subtract the base height from the top height to determine the overall height of the tree.

Businesses, especially those that use any type of precision machinery will use a Vernier clinometer to align the machines, as well as small platforms. Even the slightest alignment problem can cause huge problems in the production of many types of products. By using a Vernier clinometers, you can ensure that machines are precisely level and aligned. There are many types of industries that use clinometers and other tools to determine the alignment of their machinery.

Clinometers also can be used as meteorological tools, and were especially helpful tools for sailors and meteorologists before the advent of weather satellites, radar and other technology. A meteorologist can use the clinometer to measure the height of clouds which can be an indicator that a storm is coming.

A clinometer also can be used for many other purposes, such as indicating the pitch and roll of nautical crafts, aircrafts and all other types of vehicles. Modern solar technology utilizes clinometers to determine the ideal angle in which to place solar panels. Even the medical profession will use clinometers to measure the range of motion in the body.

Carey Bourdier loves blogging reviews on precision scientific instruments. For more details about different types of clinometers or an alignment instrument, or to discover more information about surveying instruments, visit the Warren Knight website now.

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